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Corrupting Anniversary

January 30, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Audio, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Giantess, Members Stories

Breast expansion audio #69 (nice): Corrupting Anniversary, performed by Bordeaux Black. Your wife has a special treat for you for your 11th anniversary - instead of getting a boob job, she's procured a special serum that will turn her into your ultimate fantasy bimbo! She drinks[...]

Corrupting Anniversary2023-01-31T11:33:41-05:00

Fizzy Busting Drink

January 16, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Belly Expansion, Breast Expansion, Inflation, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #68: "Fizzy Busting Drink", performed by Midnight Datura. A super cheap grape soda that tastes great? What's the catch? Well, for this woman, it's win-win as she finds that the more she drinks, the more she fills up with air...and her body[...]

Fizzy Busting Drink2023-01-16T09:02:49-05:00

The Morning After

January 2, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #67: "The Morning After", performed by Bordeaux Black Amy wakes up after a big new year's rager, hungover as all hell. As she's trying to deal with her throbbing head, she notices her boobs have almost doubled in size - they're huge! And[...]

The Morning After2023-01-04T06:46:40-05:00

Christmas Presents

December 19, 2022 Trilon15 1 Comment

Audio, Breast Expansion, Implants, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #66: "Christmas Presents", performed by Oolay-Tiger In this very special Xmas audio, your wife invites you into a dark room on Christmas Day to give you your present...or should that be...presents. She's got some special implants, and wants you to feel them and[...]

Christmas Presents2022-12-20T05:18:13-05:00
  • Breast Expansion Sales

Sales Pitch

December 5, 2022 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio Story #65: "Sales Pitch", performed by FreeStyleVA. You've got a front row seat to the latest sales pitch of Bustr, a highly popular growth cream. If the sales reps are to be believed, this cream has the ability to expand your breasts with[...]

Sales Pitch2022-12-05T11:57:37-05:00

A Sucker For Growth

November 7, 2022 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Audio, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #63: "A Sucker For Growth", performed by Oolay-Tiger. A suggestive streamer is sent some magical lollipop candies and decides to test one out live on air. The more she sucks it, the more she enjoys it...and then suddenly...she starts to grow. She sucks[...]

A Sucker For Growth2022-11-07T09:01:20-05:00
  • Giant Boobs Witch

The Clumsy Witch

October 24, 2022 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #62: "The Clumsy Witch", performed by Sheila Morris. Happy Hallowe'en! In this cosy Hallowe'en special, we have a storybook tale of a powerful, but clumsy, witch. While trying to conjure up a friend to help her with her loneliness, she accidentally knocks[...]

The Clumsy Witch2022-10-24T09:36:13-05:00
  • Breast Expansion Spider Woman

Spider’s Web

October 10, 2022 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #61: "Spider's Web", performed by Bordeaux Black, making her voice acting debut here at BEStories.net! Hope you enjoy this spoopy story as we move into Hallowe'en season! A science researcher stumbles into the web of a playful spider-woman, who decides to play with[...]

Spider’s Web2022-10-10T09:00:34-05:00
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