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Dating Show, Part II

January 15, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Lactation, Members Stories

“Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer gleamed, walking closer to me with a grand gesture. I noticed all of the various cameramen backing up to squeeze my disproportionate height within frame. “For those of you just joining us, Jenny here has taken quite a[...]

Dating Show, Part II2021-03-08T00:17:07-05:00

Dating Show, Part I

January 12, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Giantess, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

“You’re on in five minutes,” called one of the television crew members, barely glancing in my direction. I looked into my (cramped) dressing room mirror. Staring back at me was a woman I’ve tried to repress my entire life. She was a lipstick-wearing, glossy-haired, tight-dressed[...]

Dating Show, Part I2021-03-08T00:17:15-05:00

And A Naughty New Year

January 1, 2020 Fahzbehn 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

On New Year’s Eve, Anna received another package.  She’d slept in most of the day in preparation for the party that night.  Anna had unabashedly opened the door to her apartment wearing nothing but the red bra and panties that she’d received just before Christmas. [...]

And A Naughty New Year2021-03-08T00:21:49-05:00

The Naughty List

December 25, 2019 Fahzbehn 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Cowgirl, Girl On Girl, Lactation, Members Stories

Anna looked down at the box that had been delivered to her doorstep.  The forty-five-year-old woman scowled at it with annoyance. She knew it wasn’t from her daughter.  That ungrateful bitch hadn’t said more than a few words to Anna since the day she moved[...]

The Naughty List2021-03-08T00:22:03-05:00

A Dream Vacation, Part II

December 18, 2019 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Free, Implants

Mary awoke with a yawn and a stretch, her arms accidentally bumping into Rob. He groaned in bed, and turned away, and Mary rolled onto her back, where she suddenly felt pressure on her chest, like it was slightly hard to breathe. Her head felt [...]

A Dream Vacation, Part II2019-12-11T05:45:26-05:00

A Dream Vacation, Part I

December 11, 2019 Trilon15 0 Comments

Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Free, Implants

“You won’t believe it, honey!” Mary cried, checking over the piece of paper one more time as she stood in the doorway, the morning sun pouring over her body like liquid gold. Rob came out of the kitchen, morning coffee in hand, just waking up [...]

A Dream Vacation, Part I2019-12-11T05:44:16-05:00

Canterbury Falls, Part III

December 8, 2019 Fahzbehn 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Natasha stepped inside her house and closed the door to her new home.  She’d realized on the way bag that it was downright difficult to jog back to the new house on account of the fact that her large, pendulous breasts kept bouncing and shaking[...]

Canterbury Falls, Part III2021-03-08T00:22:46-05:00

Canterbury Falls, Part II

December 4, 2019 Fahzbehn 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Natasha panted as her body finally began to relax.  It took her a moment before she was able to focus.  Had she just orgasmed from reading a note?  Part of her wanted to read it again, just to see, but she forced herself to wad[...]

Canterbury Falls, Part II2021-03-08T00:22:54-05:00
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