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Inflate Me

November 6, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Belly Expansion, Breast Expansion, Members Stories, Weight Gain

Lacy had always wanted to be bigger. She wasn't satisfied with her body at all, and had just kept waiting and waiting for it to develop further and become more curvaceous. Today, however, she was done with waiting. She was going to take action to[...]

Inflate Me2021-03-08T01:03:40-05:00

Bonfire Night

November 2, 2016 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Judy fumbled with the keys in her hand as she approached her front door. She was carrying a box under her other arm, so struggled to actually get the keys in the lock. It didn't help that it was already dark too, with it being[...]

Bonfire Night2021-03-08T01:03:43-05:00

Cauldron’s Bubble

October 30, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

Alyssa looked at Betty and Candice, rubbing her hands together in the cold chill of the late October night. She clenched her windbreaker around her thin frame and looked around at the glen. "Betty, are you sure this is the right place?" Walking counterclockwise around[...]

Cauldron’s Bubble2021-03-08T01:03:45-05:00

The Magic Hourglass

October 26, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Laura trudged through the muddy field in search of the best bargains she could find. Crowds of people walked by her, stopping here and there to survey the stands and attempt to barter the prices down. She came out every year to her town's garage[...]

The Magic Hourglass2021-03-08T01:03:46-05:00

Wet Nurse

October 23, 2016 Trilon15 2 Comments

Breast Expansion, Lactation, Members Stories

Alysha knew she shouldn't have been doing this, but she really wanted to. It was probably illegal, but who was really going to notice? A few of the stock would go missing, and nobody would be any the wiser. She had been planning this all[...]

Wet Nurse2021-03-08T01:03:49-05:00

Candy Apple, Part II

October 19, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Cowgirl, Lactation, Members Stories

Apple looked at her naked body in the full length mirror in her bedroom. She’d been what she’d call “curvy” for almost two weeks now, ever since her boyfriend had had her try candies that made her body bigger in all the right places. The[...]

Candy Apple, Part II2021-03-08T01:03:52-05:00

Candy Apple, Part I

October 16, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Lactation, Members Stories

Apple smirked at her boyfriend. “You're trying to make me fat.” Brian laughed a bit at Apple's frequent complaint. “No, I'm not.” Wrapping his arm around his waifish girlfriend's, he planted a kiss at the top of her head before tracing his fingers through her[...]

Candy Apple, Part I2021-03-08T01:04:00-05:00

A Potent Package

October 12, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

“Oh my goodness, it’s finally here,” said Amy, placing the parcel down on the kitchen counter. She carefully opened the plain brown box and pulled out the protective packaging. Waiting for her, right at the bottom, was a glass bottle. She picked it out and[...]

A Potent Package2021-03-08T01:04:06-05:00

Let It Grow

October 9, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Shannon looked at herself in the mirror, in the bathroom, in the coffee shop, and smoothed back her dark hair. It fell straight either side of her slim face, and she couldn’t help but smile as she looked at her rail-thin figure. This was all[...]

Let It Grow2021-03-08T01:04:11-05:00
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