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The Chamber

May 8, 2016 Trilon15 3 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

In the dark, the lab sat just as it always did. Nothing disturbed the workbenches lined across the outer edges of the room amid the silence, nor the cabinets brimming with apparatus. A sliver of moonlight breached the drawn blinds on the windows, shimmering off [...]

The Chamber2016-05-06T04:29:06-05:00

Isabelle’s Soap

May 4, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Lactation, Members Stories

Jesse sat and stared down at his girlfriend, Isabelle, who was sleeping in his bed, pondering the enormity of what she’d brought up to him. She’d laughed it off afterward, but it was a thought that provoked him, his mind racing from point to point, [...]

Isabelle’s Soap2016-05-06T04:28:34-05:00

The Hangover, Part II

May 1, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

The memories flooded back to me as I lay back on my bed, post-orgasm, and suddenly it was last night and I was heading into the club. I was going to meet some friends inside, but I’d been out with another group for pre-drinks first. [...]

The Hangover, Part II2016-03-05T00:54:40-05:00

The Hangover, Part I

April 27, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

“Uggggggh what did I do last night?” I sat up in bed, my long, blonde hair smeared to my face, mouth tasting like ass, and felt my head begin to pound. There was that briefest, most joyous of moments just as I woke up, when [...]

The Hangover, Part I2016-03-05T00:48:09-05:00

Selfie, Part II

April 24, 2016 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

As soon as Ella had taken the photo, she felt something snap inside her. Whereas before there had been fear and apprehension mixed in with lust and greed and loneliness, now, at the behest of internet commenters who’d rapidly discovered her new Instagram account and [...]

Selfie, Part II2016-03-05T00:42:28-05:00

Selfie, Part I

April 20, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

“Selfie time!” shouted Ella, raising her hand to the skies and framing the shot expertly to take in her face and upper body. She pressed the screen, and her phone clicked, taking the shot. Ella looked at the photo on her phone. She looked great. [...]

Selfie, Part I2016-03-05T00:36:52-05:00

College Dreams, Part III

April 17, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Giantess, Girl On Girl, Lactation, Members Stories

Michelle awoke from a deep and satisfying sleep, and slowly opened her eyes. Her college dorm was as clean as ever. All her clothes, books and videogames were respectively hung, shelved and organised just as she wanted, and it made the room look large and [...]

College Dreams, Part III2016-03-04T22:37:15-05:00

College Dreams, Part II

April 13, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Members Stories

Michelle awoke from a deep and satisfying sleep, and slowly opened her eyes. Her college dorm was as clean as ever. All her clothes, books and videogames were respectively hung, shelved and organised just as she wanted, and it made the room look large and [...]

College Dreams, Part II2016-03-04T22:31:50-05:00

College Dreams, Part I

April 10, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Members Stories

Michelle awoke from a deep, satisfying sleep, and slowly opened her eyes. Her college dorm room was as messy as ever, piles of crap – clothes, books and video games – smeared all over the floor. She yawned, widely, and flipped off the covers. She [...]

College Dreams, Part I2016-03-04T22:24:59-05:00
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