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Idol Hands

June 8, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Contagion, Lactation, Members Stories

Dr. Olympia Grimes has returned with the find of a century - an golden fertility idol from the deepest Amazon! Cal and Josie are in the packed lecture hall to welcome his return, but the idol wasn't meant to be removed from its resting place... Enormous[...]

Idol Hands2021-03-08T01:21:58-05:00

School Dinners

June 4, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Members Stories, Stuffer, Weight Gain

Jacob thinks only of escape as he sits in the school canteen, desperate to get out. That is until Laura - a gorgeous exchange student on her first day - sits down opposite him, and reveals that she has a very unique metabolism; one that makes anything[...]

School Dinners2021-03-08T01:22:02-05:00

The Magic Bra

June 1, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Free

I knocked on the hotel door, a bunch of flowers in my hand. Bit cheesy, I know, but it was a third date. I was sure I was gonna close the deal this time – I’d been dating Macy for a couple of weeks now, [...]

The Magic Bra2021-02-11T18:27:09-05:00

Big Night Out, Part II

June 1, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Attribute Theft, Breast Expansion, Giantess, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

Milly and the barmaid have already grown huge, but they've got plans to grow much bigger... In part II of this attribute theft story, they rampage through the club, taking height and breasts from whoever they want, until they can resist each other's enormous bodies no longer... The[...]

Big Night Out, Part II2021-03-08T01:22:08-05:00

Sign up here!

May 28, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Free

Wanna burst these buttons wide open? To enter a world where boobs like these are considered tiny? Subscribe to BEstories.net and all your Breast Expansion fantasies will come true!* Here's what you get: 8 brand new BE stories a month Entry to the BEstories archives,[...]

Sign up here!2021-03-08T09:53:02-05:00

Create Your Own Cleavage

May 26, 2014 Trilon15 2 Comments

Breast Expansion, Free

Tanya flicked the brush between her modest cleavage, sweeping aside a strand of dark brown hair that was drifting down between her tits. She applied the bronzer to her chest, accentuating what little there was, trying to give herself that bit more of a shape [...]

Create Your Own Cleavage2021-02-11T18:27:42-05:00

Roller Derby

May 25, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

"Eleanor Handbasket" is the #1 roller derby jammer, and is facing her greatest threat in the grand final - the massive busted "She-Pain"! Eleanor's always been little, and able to sneak through the gaps, but her rival has a very busty solution to even the odds,[...]

Roller Derby2021-03-08T01:22:17-05:00

Cum Dine With Me

May 21, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Karen's got a special treat for Steve's birthday - she's been taking a trial breast enhancing supplement, but it doesn't seem to be working... That is, until a chance sexual encounter reveals that Steve's man-juice has a very powerful effect on Karen's breasts. She decides she's[...]

Cum Dine With Me2021-03-08T01:22:18-05:00
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