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Vault Hunter

July 21, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Free, Giantess

Steam hissed and puffed as the huge steel doors slowly clunked apart, leaving a wide gap for Jeena to enter. She’d done it. After months of searching, after the townsfolk all started to grow thirsty, and then fall ill, she’d located the fabled bunker where [...]

Vault Hunter2021-02-11T18:16:08-05:00

The Secretary

July 14, 2014 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Free

It had been a long week, but we’d done. We’d fucking done it. The largest deal of the last 5 years of my life, and we’d closed it. Closed it like motherfuckers. This called for a celebration. But not an ordinary celebration, oh no. This [...]

The Secretary2021-02-11T18:26:25-05:00

Resonance Cascade

July 7, 2014 Trilon15 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Free, Giantess

Prodigious young scientist Dr. Sasha Kinley went to activate the mass accelerator. My heart was in my mouth. Years of research, thousands upon thousands of dollars of funding, all riding on this one experiment. We wouldn’t have the budget to run it again; everything had [...]

Resonance Cascade2021-02-11T18:16:22-05:00

The Stella Parable

June 30, 2014 Trilon15 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Free, Giantess, Lactation

This is the story of a girl named Stella. Stella woke up one morning in her home, and looked at her thin, naked figure in the mirror. “Why are my breasts so small?” Stella asked, out loud. “I’ve done exercises, I’ve taken supplements, I’ve done [...]

The Stella Parable2021-02-11T18:46:59-05:00

Sunset Boob-Levarde, Part II

June 23, 2014 Trilon15 1 Comment

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Free

She knew that she shouldn’t. She was way too big already. She’d seen porn stars – famous porn stars, whose disgustingly big tits were their unique selling point – with far smaller figures than she now possessed. As yet the knowledge that the massive, shuddering [...]

Sunset Boob-Levarde, Part II2021-02-11T18:26:34-05:00

Sunset Boob-levarde, Part I

June 16, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Free

“Miss Hooper! Miss Hooper!” The voice erupted out of the megaphone, more insistent the second time. The call came a few more times. Then, quietly, but still very much audible: “Where is that diva?!” There were a few panicked looks, after which one of the [...]

Sunset Boob-levarde, Part I2021-02-11T18:37:43-05:00

Got Milk?

June 9, 2014 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Free, Lactation

I was sitting across from my girlfriend at breakfast when her tits started to grow. It was very slow at first – I almost didn’t realise it was happening, but she was wearing a particularly tight t-shirt, and she normally had no breasts to speak [...]

Got Milk?2021-02-11T18:27:01-05:00

The Magic Bra

June 1, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Free

I knocked on the hotel door, a bunch of flowers in my hand. Bit cheesy, I know, but it was a third date. I was sure I was gonna close the deal this time – I’d been dating Macy for a couple of weeks now, [...]

The Magic Bra2021-02-11T18:27:09-05:00

Sign up here!

May 28, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Free

Wanna burst these buttons wide open? To enter a world where boobs like these are considered tiny? Subscribe to BEstories.net and all your Breast Expansion fantasies will come true!* Here's what you get: 8 brand new BE stories a month Entry to the BEstories archives,[...]

Sign up here!2021-03-08T09:53:02-05:00
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