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Bound By Lust, Part I

November 28, 2018 Trilon15 2 Comments

Breast Expansion, Cowgirl, FMG, Girl On Girl, Lactation, Members Stories

Halfway through a bottle of wine, Susan and Renee stood by the dining table of Susan’s new house and stared at the old book resting upon it curiously.  Susan, a dark-haired waif of a woman, had received the house from her aunt Rebecca a few[...]

Bound By Lust, Part I2021-03-08T00:32:29-05:00

Witness Protection, Part I

November 7, 2018 Fahzbehn 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

Amanda Sothic looked up at the FBI agent, her hands still trembling.  She’d finally had enough. Enough with her abusive husband. Enough with his mob cronies.  Enough with lying to her neighbors about what Ed did for a living. Enough of her life. She’d never[...]

Witness Protection, Part I2021-03-08T00:31:32-05:00

Booming Business

October 10, 2018 Fahzbehn 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

Jessica hadn’t been at her desk long that day before she heard a polite cough.  She looked up from her laptop and extra computer screen and pushed her glasses up her nose.  The mousey young woman was surprised to see the absolute stud with a[...]

Booming Business2021-03-08T00:32:19-05:00

Trick Or Treat, Part II

September 26, 2018 Fahzbehn 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

A panting and sweating Anna sat down on the couch, the strap-on she’d been wearing not that long before setting on the coffee table.  Linda had gotten up, giggling, and made her way to take a shower, the remains of her schoolgirl outfit laying on[...]

Trick Or Treat, Part II2021-03-08T00:32:50-05:00
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