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Coffee Contagion

June 11, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Contagion, Dick Expansion, Lactation, Members Stories

John meets his old, troublemaker friend Jo in a coffee shop, but Jo's got a very special surprise for him. She's created something that has...expansive effects on whoever drinks it, and she's put a lot of it in the coffee. Soon, everyone in the shop is[...]

Coffee Contagion2021-03-08T01:19:11-05:00

Got Milk?

June 9, 2014 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Free, Lactation

I was sitting across from my girlfriend at breakfast when her tits started to grow. It was very slow at first – I almost didn’t realise it was happening, but she was wearing a particularly tight t-shirt, and she normally had no breasts to speak [...]

Got Milk?2021-02-11T18:27:01-05:00

Idol Hands

June 8, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Contagion, Lactation, Members Stories

Dr. Olympia Grimes has returned with the find of a century - an golden fertility idol from the deepest Amazon! Cal and Josie are in the packed lecture hall to welcome his return, but the idol wasn't meant to be removed from its resting place... Enormous[...]

Idol Hands2021-03-08T01:21:58-05:00
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