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Personal Fitness, Part II

February 17, 2021 Trilon15 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, FMG, Members Stories

Janet opened the fridge door with some difficulty, her huge tits pushing out into it, threatening to keep it closed against her wishes. She loved that, loved the rebellious streak emerging within her, embodied by her swollen, bulging bust, threatening to burst out of her[...]

Personal Fitness, Part II2021-03-07T18:13:15-05:00

Booty Calls

February 15, 2021 Trilon15 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Audio, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Welcome to audio story #18! This one is called "Booty Calls", and is a series of drunk dials from voice actor FreeStyleVA straight to you! I'm sure you'll agree she does an amazing job. Enjoy! Your ex tends to call you when she's had a[...]

Booty Calls2021-03-08T09:39:36-05:00

Personal Fitness, Part I

February 14, 2021 Trilon15 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, FMG, Members Stories

Janet put on her exercise top and pants and opened her computer with a sigh. She really wasn’t feeling this. So much work and a morning exercise class on top of everything else. But she knew it was important, she was indoors a lot at[...]

Personal Fitness, Part I2021-03-07T18:13:42-05:00

Wild Wild Chest

February 7, 2021 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Tired, thirsty, and on edge, Henry was thankful to trot his horse into a strange town. Everyone looked more jolly than usual, laughing with one another with big smiles on their faces. He began to worry if something was wrong with the water, deciding to[...]

Wild Wild Chest2021-03-07T18:14:29-05:00

Dear Diary

February 1, 2021 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Presenting audio story #16! It's called "Dear Diary", and is performed by the fantastic MissMoonified. Enjoy!   A college student starts writing in her diary about her dating life. When things go badly, she takes a few pills, intending to boost her figure. The effects[...]

Dear Diary2021-03-08T02:04:31-05:00
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