Hair Of The Dog – Free big tits audio teaser

August 2, 2021 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Free

Free taster for Breast Expansion Audio Story #31: Hair Of The Dog, performed by our brilliant voice actor Sheila Morris! Enjoy this free taste of the button-bursting, bra-busting, big tits audio expansion to come 🙂

A woman wakes up hungover as hell, and gets a call from her friend about last night’s crazy party. Turns out this busty bestie has somehow grown larger breasts since last night, and has even bigger tits than usual – and she blames the strange tequila from the party! Luckily, our plucky protagonist has a bottle right next to her, so she tests her friends’ wild story…and finds her own boobs start to expand. Taking the bull by the horns, she decides she’s going to see just how big she can grow her breasts, the aim to become even bigger than her huge-chested best friend. 

Will she take it too far, will she become truly enormous, and if she does, will her clothes survive her immense growth?

To hear the whole of this big tits audio story, sign up for a members’ package!

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You’ll get access to this story and 30 other fully voiced breast expansion audio stories, each strained to the max by the sheer quantity of expansion in them! Featuring amazing Breast Expansion voice actors like Miss Moonified, FreeStyle VA, Oolay-Tiger, MizzPeachy, Lacey Rose, Midnight Datura and more.

You can find trailers of all of these stories, full-length free audio stories, and plenty of free written stories here!

If you’re a fan of the amazing kink of breast expansion and want to support our work, it would really help us if you subscribed. Paying our actors and sound editors (not to mention my time writing hundreds of stories) costs a lot, and any support you can provide really does help. If you’ve subscribed already, thank you. Really. It makes a huge difference.

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Thanks for listening, see you next time!


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