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Enhanced, Part II

November 15, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Members Stories, Stuffer

My phone camera clicked and the image was taken. The redhead sat back on the chair, arms folded in her lap, her very large breasts looming out above them. Her bra was practically ready to burst open, and the buttons on her shirt were straining[...]

Enhanced, Part II2021-03-07T20:12:31-05:00

Enhanced, Part I

November 11, 2020 Trilon15 2 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

I sat in the coffee shop, looking idly around, not really sure what to do with myself. Classes were out, I’d caught up on all my work, we didn’t start back at college for weeks, it was just me and my brain, thoughts running around[...]

Enhanced, Part I2021-03-07T20:12:33-05:00

Hunger, Part III

June 17, 2018 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories, Stuffer

I realized I was too big when I started to struggle to walk. Al was holding me up, but by this point my gigantic swollen breasts had engorged to such a size that my top was barely able to cover my nipples, and as I[...]

Hunger, Part III2021-03-08T00:45:02-05:00

Larger Than Life, Part I

January 17, 2016 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Marnie was a beautiful young woman with long brown hair, gorgeous symmetrical features and striking blue eyes. Her teeth were large and white, fitted perfectly together when she smiled, and she had a cute, pert ass that filled out any pair of jeans she wore.[...]

Larger Than Life, Part I2021-03-08T01:07:51-05:00

Resonance Cascade

July 7, 2014 Trilon15 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Free, Giantess

Prodigious young scientist Dr. Sasha Kinley went to activate the mass accelerator. My heart was in my mouth. Years of research, thousands upon thousands of dollars of funding, all riding on this one experiment. We wouldn’t have the budget to run it again; everything had [...]

Resonance Cascade2021-02-11T18:16:22-05:00

Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

July 2, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Members Stories, Stuffer

Nick's girlfriend Liz has lost of a lot weight. And her entire chest. When he sees her chowing down on tons of chips on a boring afternoon, he wonders if they'll in any way go to her breasts. It soon turns out they're going to[...]

Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop2021-03-08T01:18:38-05:00
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