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The Chameleon

November 2, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Giantess, Members Stories

This is the story of The Chameleon: a woman who can do whatever she wants to her body. Within reason. How did she come about this power, and what does she plan to do with it? This is her origin story, about coming to terms with[...]

The Chameleon2021-03-08T01:18:19-05:00

Happy HallowBE’en!

October 29, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

Rose and her best friend Tiffany are all dressed up for a big Hallowe'en party. Rose has gone as a slutty schoolgirl, and for fun she bought a massive bra and stuffed it full of socks - her fake tits looks huge! As they make[...]

Happy HallowBE’en!2021-03-08T01:18:27-05:00

The Korean Goddess, Part I

October 27, 2014 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Contagion, Free, Girl On Girl, Lactation

“And of the many fertility gods in Korean culture, what are ones you can find in stone form in the south?” Hyejin asked the class of twenty-odd Korean schoolgirls as Jenny slipped in through the classroom door. They all started giggling, almost in unison. These [...]

The Korean Goddess, Part I2021-02-11T18:13:08-05:00

Glory BE to god

October 26, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Tiffany is sat in church, bored out of her mind in a freezing church. But then she has the dream, and when she wakes, her chest is on fire. She tries to ignore it, but the raging fire in her breasts won't go away. And[...]

Glory BE to god2021-03-08T01:18:32-05:00

Office Grow-mance

October 22, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

June and Keith work together. They hate their jobs. They're bored. Then one day, they make out in the storeroom, and everything becomes more interesting. Until the next day, when June comes in with considerably larger breasts. And the day after...and the day after that...they[...]

Office Grow-mance2021-03-08T01:21:49-05:00

“You’re Too Thin!”, Part II

October 20, 2014 Trilon15 5 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Free

Jill had been driving for a few minutes, and her breasts were bigger than ever. Her two massive airbags swelled out in front of her, still slowly growing and shuddering as they expanded larger and larger. [

“You’re Too Thin!”, Part II2021-02-11T18:25:56-05:00

Wishful Thinking, Part II

October 19, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Sandra is one wish down, and she already has the largest breasts in the world. But now, she's going to use the other two in her possession to teach her ex, Dan, why dumping her was a bad idea. Her plan is in motion, and[...]

Wishful Thinking, Part II2021-03-08T01:21:52-05:00

Wishful Thinking, Part I

October 15, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Sandra is dealing with a terrible break up. And what's more, she has to move out of the house she's shared with Dan for three years. Dan who left her for some huge-titted bimbo. But while she's cleaning, Sandra finds a lamp, that she rubs[...]

Wishful Thinking, Part I2021-03-08T01:21:55-05:00

“You’re too thin!”, Part I

October 13, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Free, Stuffer

It was all Jill had been told her entire life. “You’re so thin, Jill!” “Wow Jill, you’re so skinny!” “Jeez Jill, way to make the rest of us feel bad!” [

“You’re too thin!”, Part I2021-02-11T18:13:22-05:00
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