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Orgasmic, Part I

October 25, 2017 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Her heart pounded, faster and faster. Within the dark confines of her room, Mary’s breath quickened, her soft moans escalated, and her fingers grew slick with her ecstasy as she self-loved herself, arching her back into the air and burying her head into the pillows.[...]

Orgasmic, Part I2021-03-08T01:00:47-05:00

Annual Growing Contest

October 22, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

The music from the frat house could be heard for miles. Jazz felt the thump of the bass in her chest from as far down as the neighboring sidewalk, pulling her sweater more tightly around her as an October chill blew up her spine. The[...]

Annual Growing Contest2021-03-08T01:00:49-05:00

Amazing Grace, Part II

October 18, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Cowgirl, Dick Expansion, Free, Lactation

Over the next few days, Jack and Christina’s antics only intensified, as did their bizarre penchant for making it look like their
appendages were growing. Grace fully admitted she was starting to get dick on the brain, as even when she was working she found herself [...]

Amazing Grace, Part II2017-10-18T16:15:17-05:00

The Dark Cow Society, Part II

October 18, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Cowgirl, Girl On Girl, Lactation, Members Stories

Jessica and Patty sat down across from each other at Patty’s kitchen table. Jessica looked up from the social media site she was skimming at Patty read through her aunt’s tome. The thin yet exceedingly busty blonde couldn’t help but stare at Patty volleyball sized[...]

The Dark Cow Society, Part II2021-03-08T01:00:54-05:00

The Dark Cow Society, Part I

October 15, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Lactation, Members Stories

Jenny looked up as the door to the library opened.  “We’re closing in five minutes.”  The short, plump girl paused and smiled as she saw Jessica, her best friend and often co-conspirator.  “Oh, hey!  Did you bring everything?” Jessica was everything that Jenny wasn’t.  Where[...]

The Dark Cow Society, Part I2021-03-08T01:00:57-05:00

Amazing Grace, Part I

October 11, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Free

Grace was amazing. No two ways about it. Mike was obsessed with her, and sometimes couldn’t believe he’d ended up with someone so gorgeous. Petite, devastatingly pretty, Grace was an exchange student from Korea who Mike had someone how ended up calling his girlfriend. Maybe [...]

Amazing Grace, Part I2017-10-11T11:24:42-05:00

Taking Turns

October 11, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Lactation, Members Stories

“Finally! Here it is!” Valerie yelled, slamming down a spinner on the table. It had taken her the better part of an hour to find it, and by that point, her friends Sal and Emily had already finished two more glasses of wine. “Um, it’s[...]

Taking Turns2021-03-08T01:00:59-05:00

Wishes Wishes

October 8, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Stupid Tania, I thought to myself. What makes her so perfect? My loathing for her grew the more that I stared at her. I mean, how? Just how? It wasn’t possible for her to get that popular in only a few days. Just last week[...]

Wishes Wishes2021-03-08T01:01:02-05:00
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