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Skin Deep, Part I

November 22, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

“I’ve done it! I’ve frickin’ done it!!” Hayley yelled at the top of her lungs as Cassidy awoke with a start. Her head was throbbing, it had been a big college party last night and hearing her annoying bestie yelling at the top of her[...]

Skin Deep, Part I2023-11-24T06:20:52-05:00


November 20, 2023 Trilon15 4 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #90: "Exxxcommunicated", perfomed by Oolay-Tiger and Akuji Saito! Yes that's right, a little twofer this episode, hope you enjoy! About to be kicked out of her expansion club, our hero is desperate to prove she can get just as big as her girlfriends![...]


Swelling You Softly

November 6, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Gender Switch, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio 89: Swelling You Softly, performed by Bordeaux Black. Your girlfriend is giving you a perfect blow job for your anniversary. But when she's done, she unveils some even more special: a lipstick that when she kisses you with it, it gives you boobs. And[...]

Swelling You Softly2023-11-06T19:28:03-05:00

Drink Me, Part III

November 5, 2023 Trilon15 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Giantess, Members Stories

Sally stretched her massive arms up in the air as she yawned, and both of them bumped into her titanic tits, which were blobbing out either side of her enormous body, so preposterously big, even on her incredibly large frame. Sure, she was a 25-foot-tall[...]

Drink Me, Part III2023-11-05T09:01:39-05:00

Night Of The Loving Dead

October 29, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Cumflation, Members Stories

Cold. So cold.          Where am I?                                              A graveyard.                                                          Crap. Who am I?                                  Cold green skin. Sunken eyes. Yellow teeth. Why am I so hungry?                                                                                              I feel stiff. Sore.                                                                      These clothes are… musty…          It’s dark outside. The air smells[...]

Night Of The Loving Dead2023-10-29T09:00:31-05:00


October 25, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Ok, I think I’m ready. I smoothed down my button shirt, a slim fit that clung lightly to my body over my skinny jeans and went upstairs to prepare drinks. I was going to need some help getting through this. But I was done living[...]

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