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Happy Birthday To Jane, Part IV

July 9, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

At the bountiful (and only very recently reached) age of 25, Jane found herself sporting gigantic I-cup breasts, which were simply too big for the clothes she was wearing. She wore huge, industrial strength bras these days, to contain her swollen orbs and keep them[...]

Happy Birthday To Jane, Part IV2023-07-09T09:00:47-05:00

Happy Birthday To Jane, Part III

June 25, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

At the blooming age of 23, Janey was now sporting huge G-cup breasts. They dominated her slim frame and were inevitably the first thing people noticed about her. “Aw, Gs.” She would sometimes say, to rhyme with “aw, jeez” when she was alone, a silly[...]

Happy Birthday To Jane, Part III2023-06-27T04:45:03-05:00

Happy Birthday To Jane, Part II

June 21, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

At the tender age of 21 years old, Jane Meyerhoff had a large, proud, round pair of 30E breasts. She felt they were slightly too large for her slender frame, but they also looked fantastic squeezed into a tight black dress on a night out,[...]

Happy Birthday To Jane, Part II2023-06-26T10:06:26-05:00

Fitting Room

June 19, 2023 Trilon15 4 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #79: "Fitting Room", performed by FreeStyleVA. On a fun day out with your wife you go to a new store in town, one that promises their clothes are 'transformational'. She whispers through the curtain of the fitting room to you about the all[...]

Fitting Room2023-06-20T06:47:15-05:00

Happy Birthday To Jane, Part I

June 18, 2023 Trilon15 2 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

It was on Janey’s 18th birthday that she first noticed that her breasts were bigger. A strange time to notice such a thing, you might think, particularly so late in her teens, but that’s when she realized that her little A-cup boobs – the ones[...]

Happy Birthday To Jane, Part I2023-06-18T09:00:19-05:00

Home, Part I

June 7, 2023 Trilon15 1 Comment

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Giantess, Members Stories

I tapped my pass on the card reader and the glass doors to the lab opened with a swoosh. My silver tempsuit clung to me, regulating my body heat in the chill air of the lab. No one was here. Perfect. I looked at the[...]

Home, Part I2023-06-08T07:06:43-05:00

Lucky Farmhand

June 5, 2023 Trilon15 2 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Cowgirl, Lactation, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #78: "Lucky Farmhand", performed by Bordeaux Black. It's your first day on the job as a new farmhand, milking the humungous tits of the busty beauties that work there - they grow such huge milkers they need a lot of work to[...]

Lucky Farmhand2023-06-05T09:00:17-05:00
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