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Pumping Iron, Part II

February 23, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

“So, you ready to get real big?” The hugely busty, recently extra-inflated personal trainer Paris hauled herself up from the bench where her watermelon tits were seemingly pinning her to the ground, and gestured Sally over a set of machines that were designed to get[...]

Pumping Iron, Part II2021-03-08T00:15:44-05:00

Pumping Iron, Part I

February 19, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Sally opened the door to the gym with some trepidation. She’d long been meaning to get down here, walked past it every day on her way to work in fact, but had never found the time or motivation to get her act together. Also at[...]

Pumping Iron, Part I2021-03-08T00:15:46-05:00

Fitting In

February 16, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Stacy’s outfit felt loose and ridiculous. It was a shirt designed for a much different type of woman and Stacy barely had the curves to fill it. Looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, she felt like a clown, pulling her new uniform forwards and[...]

Fitting In2021-03-08T00:15:51-05:00

Cougar On the Prowl

February 12, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

I’ve dated some freaky women in my time, but none of them compare to the cougar last night. She was every wet dream and nightmare I’ve ever had in one, and I feel overly compelled to sit down and write about our experience last night.[...]

Cougar On the Prowl2021-03-08T00:15:57-05:00

Tempreg, Part II

February 5, 2020 Fahzbehn 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Belly Expansion, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Lactation, Members Stories, Pregnancy, Weight Gain

Vanessa woke to find herself still on the couch, Kylie snuggled against her, with the throw blanket over them both.  “Kylie must have covered us up after…” Vanessa blushed as her thoughts trailed off, remembering Kylie’s fingers rubbing her clit until she came.  She looked[...]

Tempreg, Part II2021-03-08T00:16:17-05:00

The Rebound

January 29, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Implants, Members Stories

Imagine you've just been broken up with by the love of your life, after just eight months together. If you're my friend Brenda, you might cut off four inches from your hair. If you're my coworker Colleen, you might move to Bali and hope to[...]

The Rebound2021-03-08T00:16:35-05:00

First Date

January 26, 2020 Trilon15 0 Comments

Bimbo, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

 “I’m really excited to see you tonight,” Matt tells me on the phone, the morning of our blind date. My friend Lana connected us together, constantly telling me that Matt was exactly my type — we were both working part-time as bartenders, trying to get[...]

First Date2021-03-08T00:16:46-05:00
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