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The Prototype

September 10, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

The room buzzed, full of electric lights and motorized gears. With a single metal door and lack of windows, the metal walls breathed science, surrounding the two scientists. “Alright, are you ready?” Nick asked, hand at the ready to pull the silk sheet off of[...]

The Prototype2021-03-08T01:00:38-05:00

Milking The Situation

September 6, 2017 Trilon15 3 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Lactation, Members Stories

“Damn it, Jessica,” Josh growled, looking at his girlfriend that was passed out drunk, on the couch again. He was tired of picking up after her. He was tired of her lazing about the house when not at work. Not that she worked much: twice[...]

Milking The Situation2021-03-08T01:00:41-05:00

Breast Soap Ever

September 3, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

“Are you sure this is going to work?” Andrew looked up at his girlfriend, Stephanie.  She was holding a sign that read “car washes – ten dollars” in front of her chest.  Her blonde pigtails hung to the side of her head.  Andrew had to[...]

Breast Soap Ever2021-03-08T01:00:46-05:00

Chemistry 101

August 23, 2017 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Adam watched the remainder of the class hurrying to leave their seats, off to another boring college lecture or (more likely) skipping their academics altogether and going back to their respective dorms to get high…  or laid. Either way, it was enough to make him[...]

Chemistry 1012021-03-08T01:00:57-05:00

Madame Buxom

August 16, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Cassie listened to the audience inside the big top. All her life she’d been witness to the cheering and laughter of the crowd, so much so that she could practically anticipate when the next big wave of noise would erupt, like the conductor of an[...]

Madame Buxom2021-03-08T01:01:08-05:00


August 6, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Lactation, Members Stories

Amber Lockhart read the letter for the third time. Unbeknownst to her, she’d been the sole heir to her aunt Kathy’s estate, including her house outside of Denver. The last time Amber had seen Kathy was a year ago, when Amber’s mom, Cindy, had passed[...]


Out At The Berry Farm

August 2, 2017 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Alyssa Cho-Ward and her husband, Michael Ward, pulled into the Double B Bed and Breakfast. The two, celebrating their wedding, determined to seek out some of America’s best tourist traps as part of their road trip honeymoon. The Double B was roughly their midpoint. The[...]

Out At The Berry Farm2021-03-08T01:01:20-05:00
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