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February 1, 2015 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Miranda's a waitress working a tough shift, and she just can't stop sneezing. The strange thing is, every time she sneezes, her tips seem to go up, and she just can't figure out why - or for that matter why her clothes are getting so[...]


The Glove, Part I

January 21, 2015 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Attribute Theft, Breast Expansion, Giantess, Members Stories

Tina's finally done it. The small, shy, nerdy scientist has created the ultimate invention: a glove that can transfer matter between people. And Tina has no plans to use is altruistically - she reads a lot of comic books, and she's going to take a[...]

The Glove, Part I2021-03-08T01:14:01-05:00


January 18, 2015 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

George gets home one night to a scene of domestic 50s bliss; Carla cooking in the kitchen, not to mention a very special treat she gives him with her mouth the moment he steps through the door. Not sure what he's done to deserve such amazing[...]


Turn Me On

January 14, 2015 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Childhood friends Dom and Rachel are hanging out in a coffee shop in the mall, when Rachel asks a very strange question. This leads the conversation down a strange, sexy path and Rachel reveals the very strange things her body is doing, and what arousal[...]

Turn Me On2021-03-08T01:14:07-05:00

The Doctor Is In

January 11, 2015 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

When Cammy comes into the therapist's office, her first words are simply: "My breasts are getting bigger." Working together, they try to get the bottom of the situation, before her swelling boobs really become a problem... I’d been seeing a lady for some time now, and-[...]

The Doctor Is In2021-03-08T01:14:11-05:00

On The BEach, Part I

December 21, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Sarah's a hot-shot lawyer taking her first holiday in years. She's desperately trying to relax. But she can't stop thinking about the client she's prosecuting - a pharmaceutical worker who's made some pretty insane creations. Sarah tries to shake all of this from her mind, and settles[...]

On The BEach, Part I2021-03-08T01:17:05-05:00

It Runs In The Family, Part I

December 14, 2014 Trilon15 0 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Lactation, Members Stories

Mindy is feeling very strange indeed. She's woken up with damp patches in her bra, and she can't help but feel that her clothes are a little...tight. But she goes to work anyway, a hunger rumbling in her gut like she's never known before, and[...]

It Runs In The Family, Part I2021-03-08T01:17:12-05:00

Expanders, Part I

November 30, 2014 Trilon15 1 Comment

Breast Expansion, Implants, Members Stories, Weight Gain

Cindi has been treated badly her whole life. Parents, brother, and now her new boyfriend. It turns out he likes really big, fake implants. So Cindi decides she's going to give him want he wants. And she's going to keep on giving him what he[...]

Expanders, Part I2021-03-08T01:17:33-05:00
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