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Office Christmas Party

December 18, 2023 Trilon15 3 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #92: "Office Christmas Party", performed by Akuji Saito. It's the office Christmas party, and you get pulled into a sideroom by a co-worker who's had designs on you for a while. She thinks you're a boob man and, well...she's right. Thing is, she's[...]

Office Christmas Party2023-12-19T06:26:09-05:00

Kelly, Miss Katherine & Her Mom, Part I

December 6, 2023 Trilon15 2 Comments

Ass Expansion, Breast Expansion, Girl On Girl, Members Stories

Kelly had always been kind. People watching on, spectators to what happened over those few fateful days would never understand how and why she changed. But really, if you looked under her skin, Kelly’s personality didn’t change all that much, though her body was unrecognisable[...]

Kelly, Miss Katherine & Her Mom, Part I2023-12-06T12:37:48-05:00

Cosmic Wish

December 4, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Dick Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #91: "Cosmic Wish", performed by Bordeaux Black. You're stargazing with your beloved when you see a shooting star! You both make a wish, and after a brief pause, your beloved's chest starts to swell! She's shocked, but not upset, as she balloons bigger[...]

Cosmic Wish2023-12-09T13:04:20-05:00

The Perks Of Being A Logger, Part II

November 26, 2023 Trilon15 1 Comment

Ass Expansion, Belly Expansion, Breast Expansion, Cumflation, Dick Expansion, Members Stories

“What is going on? Are things changing with you?” Ashley asked, turning off the stove and waddling over to Marcus. Her thighs rubbed together, her jeans began to strain and looked like they were going to burst apart any moment. Marcus flexed his arms, and[...]

The Perks Of Being A Logger, Part II2023-11-26T09:00:52-05:00


November 20, 2023 Trilon15 4 Comments

Audio, Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Breast Expansion Audio #90: "Exxxcommunicated", perfomed by Oolay-Tiger and Akuji Saito! Yes that's right, a little twofer this episode, hope you enjoy! About to be kicked out of her expansion club, our hero is desperate to prove she can get just as big as her girlfriends![...]



October 25, 2023 Trilon15 0 Comments

Breast Expansion, Members Stories

Ok, I think I’m ready. I smoothed down my button shirt, a slim fit that clung lightly to my body over my skinny jeans and went upstairs to prepare drinks. I was going to need some help getting through this. But I was done living[...]

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